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Allen Update from NFL Week 1

NFL Week 1 Regular season football is officially underway and is pushing right along with no intentions of slowing till Week 7, the Texans’ bye week. This first weekend wasn’t the start Houston hoped for but the season is long. I thought I would share little glimpse of our Football Life as we roll through […]

A NFL Week 1 family update of sorts. A unique perspective from an NFL wife and mother of 2. Talking Hurricane Harvey Recovery and game 1.

Houston Texans Training Camp at Methodist Training Center Photo By: Michelle Watson –Catchlight Group Photography

NFL Week 1

Regular season football is officially underway and is pushing right along with no intentions of slowing till Week 7, the Texans’ bye week. This first weekend wasn’t the start Houston hoped for but the season is long. I thought I would share little glimpse of our Football Life as we roll through Jeff’s 6th season in the NFL.

A NFL Week 1 family update of sorts. A unique perspective from an NFL wife and mother of 2. Talking Hurricane Harvey Recovery and game 1.

This season is unique, in that it’s serving as a beacon of hope for our city and a brief weekly distraction from the rebuild that’s happening all around town. Every single one of Jeff’s teammates is involved in the efforts in some way and the pride we all share for this community is evident.

A NFL Week 1 family update of sorts. A unique perspective from an NFL wife and mother of 2. Talking Hurricane Harvey Recovery and game 1.

A few weeks ago, I shared a post on how you can help Hurricane Harvey Victims. The damage was widespread, the devastation unimaginable, and I know a lot of us who suffered minimal, if any damage, felt helpless. Now that rebuilding efforts are in motion, there are 1 million ways, big and small to pitch in. Because we have 2 small kids, I haven’t been able to do a lot demo work but I was able to help deliver cold drinks and lunch to those that were. I also delivered cookies the following weekend and it seems like there is no shortage of compassion as droves of people volunteer their weekends to rip up soaked carpet and hardwoods, remove damaged furniture and unfortunately, help families pack to relocate.

A NFL Week 1 family update of sorts. A unique perspective from an NFL wife and mother of 2. Talking Hurricane Harvey Recovery and game 1.

I received a few messages from fellow NFL wives and they so badly wanted to help. We all empathized over those displaced with small kids and the stress of functioning without some of the necessities needed to care for children. They rose to the call and sent 70+ boxes of supplies for us to distribute. They Texans Organization was gracious enough to receive the packages and hold them till a group of us could come up and sort through all the items. We then caravanned to the Second Mile Distribution Center and dropped off 6 cars worth of donations including things like formula, diapers, wipes, new bottles, baby blankets, towels, sheets, pillows, nonperishable foods, snacks, toiletries, and feminine products. I was FLOORED at their generosity. So thank you again to Summer Hutchins and Heather Carr of the Raiders for organizing the largest portion of the items we received. Also, thank you to women from the Giants, Colts, and Redskins that also sent much needed items!

A NFL Week 1 family update of sorts. A unique perspective from an NFL wife and mother of 2. Talking Hurricane Harvey Recovery and game 1.

Jeff and I wanted to do more so we have set up a pledge site in which all the proceeds will be donated to the Houston Food Bank. We are passionate about their efforts and both of us have worked closely with them since we moved to Houston last year. They are providing meals to those displaced by Hurricane Harvey and alleviating stress for many families as they attempt to carry on in the wake of the storm. If you would to join us in our season long Pledge, visit the link here ―> You can make a one-time donation, or choose to pledge any amount per touchdown scored by the Houston Texans this year. Jeff and I will be doing both and hope to reach our goal of donation $10,000 to the Houston Food Bank.

A NFL Week 1 family update of sorts. A unique perspective from an NFL wife and mother of 2. Talking Hurricane Harvey Recovery and game 1.

If you are in the Houston area, we are proud to announce that you can also help by dining at BellaGreen (Formerly Ruggles Green) as they will be donating 7.9% of their sales to the Touchdowns for Houston Relief Fund! 

A NFL Week 1 family update of sorts. A unique perspective from an NFL wife and mother of 2. Talking Hurricane Harvey Recovery and game 1.

Make sure you are following me on Instagram, and Facebook as I usually share photos and videos of our game day experience!

A NFL Week 1 family update of sorts. A unique perspective from an NFL wife and mother of 2. Talking Hurricane Harvey Recovery and game 1.

Houston Texans Training Camp at Methodist Training Center

A NFL Week 1 family update of sorts. A unique perspective from an NFL wife and mother of 2. Talking Hurricane Harvey Recovery and game 1. A NFL Week 1 family update of sorts. A unique perspective from an NFL wife and mother of 2. Talking Hurricane Harvey Recovery and game 1.



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