Photographing your moments in San Francisco, California




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Jeff Jr. Turns 1!

Each year, I write the kids an annual birthday letter! Dear Baby J, Happy First Birthday baby boy! Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would fall in love with a chunky little boy as sweet as can be with eyes only for his mama. You fit right into our family the minute […]

Each year, I write the kids an annual birthday letter!

Dear Baby J,

Happy First Birthday baby boy! Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would fall in love with a chunky little boy as sweet as can be with eyes only for his mama. You fit right into our family the minute we brought you home. Always a cuddler and rarely a crier you have made a seamless transition into our lives.

There is Just Something About a Son

I’ll be honest― I didn’t know what to expect when I found out I would be having a boy. I knew the experience would differ from your sister but I had no idea what to expect. You stole my heart in an entirely different way. I had the hardest time transitioning you to your own room and would often let you nap in my lap. I nursed you for as long as possible and just seemed to have a soft spot for your little cry. Your daddy often gave me a hard time for my softer approach in most areas when it came to you.

You have always been on your own schedule; a little more relaxed than your older sister. You weren’t pressed to hold your head up or roll over. Crawling just happened and you have taken a leisurely approach to walking.

The only time you have NO CHILL is when it comes to food. You stay hungry and take such delight in enjoying food. I knew introducing you to food was going to be interesting when you absolutely refused to eat pureed foods. I made homemade baby food for you, just like I did your sister, and you sealed your mouth shut. When I finally forced a spoonful in your mouth you spit it back at me! You can honestly say you started on solids.

After this first year, I’m most excited to watch you and Joy’s relationship grow. She would do absolutely anything for you. She ignores you when you pull her hair, laughs when you hit her, and sings to you when you cry. I’m sure things will change but right now, you two are tight as can be. She hates to hear you cry just about as much as I do and loves you deeply.

Today, we celebrate the light you have brought into our lives and all the additional smiles you have provided. Your first year actually felt like 6 months but every day, no matter how much of a blur it was, has been a blessing.

We love you so much Jeffery William Allen!



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