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Honest Mama Moment: Nap Time

I love being a mama! That doesn’t mean it is without it’s own unique set of challenges. These tests are being thrown at me left and right lately, since training camp started. Good thing is, each trial is followed by the sweetest gift. She likes kisses, colorful books, facetime, and visiting dad at practice. I […]

I love being a mama! That doesn’t mean it is without it’s own unique set of challenges. These tests are being thrown at me left and right lately, since training camp started. Good thing is, each trial is followed by the sweetest gift. She likes kisses, colorful books, facetime, and visiting dad at practice. I can’t even begin to describe the look on her face when she sees him.

Instead of panicking or giving up when things just don’t work out, I have decided to try again tomorrow. I’m not giving up on the fact that my daughter will one day nap in her crib, I’m just saying I will give it another shot later. This is my mantra for everything now, “Give it an honest try and if it doesn’t work, try again tomorrow.”

Today, I did the usual routine; changed her diaper, sat in our rocker, nursed her till she was full and kept rocking till I saw her eyelids getting heavy. Well, as I tried to slowly get up and gently place her in her crib, she grabbed at my shirt and her eyes POPPED open. “That’s fine, she’s not ready yet,” I thought to myself. So I sat back down and started reading a book to her. This time she wants to talk. Shes smiling and laughing– my favorite. Well, we chat for about 15 minutes and her eyelids start to droop again. I scoop her up carefully and try to place her in the crib. Before I can even make it to the door, she is kicking and screaming. I repeat this process at least three more time. I’m getting increasingly frustrated. Frustrated becuase the same method that worked last week has no effect today. Frustrated because there is nothing wrong with her and she is crying. Finally, I’m frustrated because I lost my patience. I take a second to collect myself over the kitchen sink and walk back in and scoop up my baby so we can go on with our day. Immediately after I pick her up, she smiles at me. All my mama guilt melted. This Sunday calls for cuddles and very little productivity.
Honest Mama Moment: Nap Time-
Honest Mama Moment: Nap Time-

No, she didn’t get a nap this morning. But thats OK. We will try again tomorrow.
Honest Mama Moment: Nap Time-

Often, I scroll through social media envious of the beautiful nurseries, put together mommies, and other frivolus things. I know I’m not the only one. That’s why I decided to share our little moment on the struggle bus. Eventually Joy will sleep in her own room, in her crib as opposed to her swing, and not cry for me anymore. It’s kind of nice being needed today. We will try again tomorrow.

I hope this is a bit of encouragement for anybody’s day just not going as planned!

Also, if you’re interested…

I was interviewed this past week on life as an NFL Wife.  The blog’s name is NFLWags Redefined and it’s purpose is to dispel the stereotypes sometimes associated with being married to a professional football player. (Wags = Wives and Girlfriends) 

She has featured some awe inspiring women and I’m just lucky to be among the ranks of them! 

The post can be found HERE


  1. I love this post! So cute yet so real. I know many moms would appreciate this. LOL at beautiful nurseries and put together mommies.

    I wanted you to have the updated link for your article as well. Your interview can be found on at:

    • marissaeh1 says:

      Thank you! I just want to keep it as real as possible. There are new challenges everyday. I laugh when I look back and read this one because she sleeps in her crib now but I can’t get her to stop trying to crawl under my coffee table.

  2. Brittany Scott says:

    Who could blame Joy for wanting to spend unlimited time with you?! Keep at it. From the smile on her face you’re doing great!


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